Such beings the earth will influence as the other planets influence us now.In this time the wires are the winners. They spring from the earth in ever greater volume, in a brilliant array of color and function. From the microscopic to the transformers, the earth is a great ball of growing wire conducting currency. Armies defend the wire; banks, doctors and schools wrapped in it. The rapidly evolving synthetic cells of an electronic organism. It’s all about making the connections.
Circles and cycles the lesson plan. From nothing to something, and back again.
Time is the oldest and most highly evolved of animate organisms. Guaranteed to live the longest, too. Runs forwards and backwards. All things have time, all things take time; time takes all things. From the time you were born, to the time you will die.
Ups and downs, inside man. For those that haven’t heard, the story went something like this…
The global economy is estimated at seventy trillion dollars. There are seven billion people on the planet. Each of us had a birth worth thousands of dollars yet we’re born in debt: national debt, generational debt, personal debt, global debt. Where does this inevitably lead? What is the potential?
Planetary population has grown to current 7 billion from approximately 2 billion in less than 50 years. Population has grown, the ability to exploit and extract resources has grown, demand has grown; the supply of resources, though, has diminished radically.
Our entire global economy–from top to bottom–from energy to products–from wealth to poverty–depends on our supply of resources. The supply of resources has not grown. Gold supplies have not grown, timber supplies have not grown; Coal? No. Plutonium? No. Fresh water? No. Oil? No. The list goes on…
If the supply of resources does not grow, economies cannot grow. We’ve created and sold more products driven by resource exploitation, and we’ve expanded the circulation of currency through debt creation, but finite supplies must now be divided among seven billion people (as opposed to 2 billion previously). Your money is worth less, products more expensive. It’s a maddening cycle.
What’s worse, the radical depletion of resources has upset the balance of nature triggering catastrophic environmental consequences including extraordinary extinction events, crushing volumes of waste, poisoned water, polluted air, the melting of polar ice caps, massive crop failures, extreme weather, flooding deluges and severe droughts.
It’s bigger than banks, it’s bigger than governments, and it’s far greater than our personal issues, religious biases, etc. This planet has sustained itself along core principles for billions of years, evolving the very nature of existence through constant conservation and change. Banks, fiat currencies, Federal Reserve notes, assets, liabilities and capital play a great role in our geopolitical and financial schemes; Time plays an even greater role.
Make no mistake: The era of debt-based economic models of ever-increasing consumption of finite resources cannot survive and will never be recovered. There will be no economic recovery, no end to the depression. There cannot be; politicians can’t fix it, governments can’t fix it – neither can religious leaders, bankers, rich people, titans of industry, etc. Money and laws cannot fix the inherent flaws of debt-based consumption.
Those with the long view from the top of the ladder already know this. Many among them are staking out their share of the remaining resources and hoping we’ll fight to the death for the meager remains.
See how every penny of equity is being extracted from the global economy through crushing interest payments on loans made from thin air? See how people across the planet are rising up, calling for fair wages, fair pricing, and stable livelihoods? See how we’ve been turned against each other along dividing lines of color, religion, income, occupation, sex, nationality and more? Do you see how all of this inevitably leads to intense conflict?
This is it. This is where every last one of us must stop and realize: the only acceptable way out of this situation is to pull together – across every divide we’ve ever known – and build equity from the ground up. Distribution of wealth must be equitable, distribution of responsibility must be equitable; distribution of power equitable, and distribution of liability equitable. United we stand, divided we fall hard.

Push forward with community spirit, light hearts and the brilliance of ingenuity. The best is yet to come, and the greatest age of human development has only just begun. We have all the tools, information and resources we need within each other.
If only 1% of us (70 million people) worked together, we could build a bridge to the moon! With 10% working harmoniously in focused concentration, we could develop sustainable materials, clean and replenish our oceans, feed the planet, restore biodiversity, evolve renewable energy sources, advance technology, insure health, educate each other, develop a stable global economy, and provide for future generations.
If 50% of us worked together, 3.5 billion people, we will have assembled the largest and most capable force the world has ever known.
If we all worked together, we could solve the world’s problems in less than a week and ensure comfortable, meaningful, high quality lives for all.
The path forward is clear: we must use currently available resources to create and secure the resources of the future. We must recognize the value and potential of every living being, and plan our lives accordingly. We must allow for intellectual, spiritual and technical growth, with placement and purpose for future generations as they inherit the infrastructures we’ve developed.
Ready to join the team and get to work? Spread this message far and wide. Together we’ll build a cooperatively held Citizens’ Conservation and Creativity Corps. We’ll create real work and meaningful occupation solving the planet’s problems. We’ll find fulfillment, purpose and community. We’ll provide the insurance of knowing our brothers and sisters will take our ailing tired bodies into their hands in restoration of health and wellness. We’ll find our leaders in working together. We’ll figure it out as we go, and look for intelligent solutions together. We can work together, we will work together, and we must work together. Secured survival through shared struggle.

David Davidson