Untitled by Common Raven
Source: www.commonraven.org
Source: www.commonraven.org
Sitomniyan wowanyanke is the worldview of the Titunwun Lakota and it is best summarized by the words of Mr. Stanley Looking Horse, the father of the present Keeper of the Sacred Pipe, Arvol Looking Horse. Stanley's words follow, "What is in the stars is on the earth and what is on the earth is in the stars and heavens."
The national and international world view of the Lakota Nation includes 60 peoples-nations thus far, although since travels worldwide during WWI and since, Lakota men and women soldiering for Uncle Sam brought news of other lands and peoples. The naming of the 60 nations follow:
Ikce Wicasa = original people. Hasapa Makoce = Africa. Osni Makoce = Alaska. Keya Wita = America. Lakota name for Apache uncertain. Mahpiya To = Arapahoe. Palani = Arikara. Hazila Makoce = Asia. Hohe = Assiniboine. Natobleca = Bannocks, Flatheads. Sihasapa = Blackfeet, Algonquian, also one of seven council fires. Saglasa = British. Saglasa Makoce = Great Britian. Unci Makoce = Canada. Ska Wicasa = Caucasian. Pecoka Hanska Makoce = China. Hahatunwan = Chippewa. Sahiyela = Cheyenne. Sinte hla Wicasa = Comanche. Masinca Oyate = Cree. Spayola Cinca = Creole. Kangi Wicasa = Crow. Iyasica hca = Dutch. Cahotila = Eskimo. Nata bleca = Flathead. Wahcinca Oyate = Fort Peck. Pesleke = Fox. Wasicu Iyasica Makoce = France. Oyate omanisa = Gypsy. Iyasica Makoce = Germany. He Waktokta = Gros Ventres. Ho Tanka Ho-chunk, Winnebago. Iguga Oti = Hopi. Kisunla Makoce = Japan. Witapahatu = Kiowa. Skutani = Kootenaie. Spaola Makoce = Mexico. Slota = Metis, Ojibwa. Sinagleglega = Navaho, Dineh. Poge Hloka Nez Perces. Hahatunwan = Ojibwa. Oyate Nupa = Omaha and Otoe. Wazaza = Osage. Hotawa = Ottawa. Scili = Pawnee. Wita Ota = Polynesia. Panka = Ponca. Putewata = Potowatomi. Pesa = Quapaw Waziyata Saglasa = Scotch. Sawala = Shawnee. Spayola Makoce = Spain. Wicasa = Ottoman, Turk. Saglasa Makoce = United Kingdom. Maka Owancaya Kiwitayapi = United Nations. Milahanska Mankoce = United States. Sapa Wicasa = Ute. Iguga Oti = Zuni. Here the Eskimo and Aleut would have a name for Russians and Russia. Also, Titunwun Lakota = Lakota Nation.
Tunkasila blessed the Lakota and all people with freedom, to morally develop human societies so that no one is left hungry and homeless which in today's terms means jobless. Yet, it is today's governments which decides and acts in man-made ways which produce poverty all over the world. Thus, capitalism, communism and socialism are all short of what they're cracked up to be. But the Lakota people produced a way of life where there was no hunger nor homelessness, at least not caused by man-made "policies."
Lakota people, names, territories, prayers, fluency, moral laws, economics and so on, all describe the integrity and independence of the Lakota Nation. The total of all this is their national identity essential for their survival and sovereignty. This is not for foreigners to take away or diminish , because limiting another nation's self-government is an act of colonial oppression or genocide.
Here, Treaties are in place to establish ownership of lands and homes.

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