image by Ora Abel-Russell
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
A new-world-view must involve a tremendous change in the God-image.
"I not am…addressing myself to the happy possessors of faith, but to those many people for whom the light has gone out, the mystery faded, and God is dead. For most of them there is no going back, and one does not know either whether going back is the better way. To gain an understanding of religious matters, probably all that is left for us is the psychological approach. That is why I take these thought-forms that have become historically fixed, try to melt them down again and pour them into moulds of immediate experience.”
C.G. Jung, Answer to Job, Psychology and Religion: West and East
If a man is to attain to a new creative love-life-Being status, his integrated conscious self must have a conscious plan for his new Renaissance and courageously confront our current history situation. He must rediscover his values.
Heaven must for man begin here on earth, through a deeper understanding of himself.
It is man who transformed God to an imitation of himself, instead of reckoning with the continuing collective energies that extend beyond his “glimpse” and yet are established within the inherited, ever-emerging, greatly heightened potentialities of his freedom of choice experience…”Deep calleth unto deep. (Psalms)"
“...We are going to contact spheres of a not yet transformed God when our consciousness begins to extend into the sphere of the unconscious. (C.G. Jung)"
The “spirit” experience in modern scientific man is coming to light despite his earthly efforts to sedate “this exercise in fantasy,” his unique transpersonal spirit within.
No doubt we need sensitivity, a new psychology, new language, and intellectual and spiritual clarification of Creator and created for necessary reverence moving forward. We have outgrown the infantile dependency of Father/God-man/Child relationship religions have fostered. We must expand the way we fulfill human existence, and live in the manner of the idea of the higher man signified by our consciousness of Good, God.

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