Wakan iye, Wakan Woglakapi, both mean the same in the singular and plural of Lakota. Talking sacred concepts as stated above does not happen everyday either by holy men or other practitioners of the Lakota spiritual path or the Lakota way.
Yet, daily prayers for understanding and thanksgiving by most everyone requires some comprehension of Wakantanka Tunkasila, Infinite Spirit, Grandfather Creator. In most prayers, only Tunkasila, Grandfather is used to address the One Creator.
Other ways to address Wakantanka, Wakan Kin, Taku Wakan, Tobtob and, of course, Tunkasila are used. In peoples prayers may be found many other terms of reverence according to the understanding and maturity of the individual.
One of the two parts of Wakan Kin, The Sacred, are the Wakan Kolaya, Sacred Friends: the Wi=sun, the Skan=motion, the Maka=earth and the Iyan=rock, and each of these units may be known in smaller components, as well as their relations, Wasicun Tunkan in reference to Inyan means Ancient Rock benefitting others. Otakaheya Wicakage is the creation in the beginning of the world, the stars and the heavens, as well The Hunumpa, Hutopa, Tatetob and Yumni.
These last are the two-legged, the four-legged, the winged, the four winds and the circular strong winds often with rains, hail, thunder and lightning and a rainbow under the right conditions.
Otokaheya wicakage, creation was, is, will be owihanke wanica without ending.

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