(l)Terry Jones - (r)Feisal Abdul Rauf
All in the name of God, Good and Righteousness we see a variety of misguided wolves devouring great opportunities to exemplify the spirit of peace, justice and compassion.
We have Terry Jones of “Dove” Outreach who is broadcasting on-again-off-again threats to burn the Holy Quran. What principles and visions of a spiritual experience do these acts of irreverence invite? Ironically Mr. Jones’ expression of self-love-self-loathing mirrors the same discrimination exhibited by the Islamic jihadists. What may very well happen because of his egomaniacal outreach is that his own church will be burned to the ground and he with it.
We also have Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf whose stubborn insistence, building a mosque at Ground Zero, remains unchanged despite the excitement expressed by many different groups. Imam Rauf is a Sufi who had undertaken a mission contrary to true Sufi obligations. As a Sufi, which he claims to be, he is obliged to assuage ill feelings in any way possible in order to encourage the brotherhood and compassion by which Sufis live and breathe.
I support the building of the mosque, as I wholeheartedly encourage a deeper understanding of Islam, which will lead to its well-deserved respect. Yes, neighbors should welcome a mosque, as they should any place of peace and worship. But, when the appetite for it suggests negative unwillingness then alternatives must be found to bring the neighbors together, not set them against one another. Yes, we need to move all our hearts past the 9/11 event, remember, honor and bless those who died with our hearts and souls, we should celebrate their lives, but we must also resume living life without fear and hate. We must dissolve the pain and anger with our love and respect for the precious moments of the highest possible levels of here and now.
It is difficult to understand or respect Terry Jones and Imam Rauf’s predispositions. It is unfortunate that at a time when there is so much confusion and despair worldwide, these two men who are privileged to live free and safe, with the necessities for creative existences, would choose self-interested, ungodly identifications. I simply pray that they come to their senses and that the intelligence of their hearts speaks to them louder than their egos.
May we all become the power to heal.

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