Greetings Friends,
Introducing Quantum Astrology, Episode 49: Horoscope October 2013.
For personal consultations with Ms. Kamins, please email patrice.kamins[at]oneworldinconcert[dot]com
Patrice Kamins Blog:
You are resistant to change, particularly the highly charged energies in your partnership house. He/she/they are bringing some necessary excitement and drama, but your old sense of self is getting in the way. Face your fears (of not being good enough) and realize that your limitations are only in your mind. The full moon eclipse on the 18th is ushering in a new chapter around relationships and showing you that what you failed to embrace in 2010-2011 can now be made real (probably with a different person). Remember what you are good at and eliminate thoughts that are destructive and disempowering. What wants to die and resurrect this Halloween is the false self of smallness and shame transformed into a shining prince/ess of possibility!
You want to get serious and settled right now, yet chaos seems to upend your everyday life. The positive fallout is that you learn to roll with the punches. You love what you are doing as it brings you in contact with the larger world. There is motivation to expand your circles, provided you are discriminating in whom you let into the inner social sanctum. The full moon eclipse highlights the control/faith axis and shows how far you've come from 2010. Don't let fears affect your everyday life and choke the beauty of the divine. You hear your inner voice more profoundly as the month progresses and realize that everything comes from you and you are never alone.
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