Can you feel the dynamics of the New World Order coming to light? The past few weeks have brought more change to our planet than any sequence of days in recent memory. "How?" you ask. Read on, Dear Reader, read on...
Several stories have emerged over the past couple weeks which have truly captured my imagination. Contrary to the insipid trolling employed by the US mainstream media, the real story at the heart of the future of the world is not in the antics of the American Tea Party, or the confused desperation of Democrats struggling to understand their role in spreading malaise and discontent. Indeed, the true story of Life makes our petty domestic politics seem pedestrian by comparison.
The Law Of The Land is changing, and changing quickly, with significant ramifications to be played out over the coming century. Your life is now shifting, and you need to understand how...
Efforts to resolve disputes on Arctic waterways are being pushed forward as sea ice retreats. Coinciding with the recent UN Mid-East Peace Talks in New York, Russia held an International Arctic Forum designed to establish claims, resolve differences, and ostensibly move the process of resolving Arctic disputes in a productive direction.
As Guardian News reports, "Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin, has dismissed claims that the Arctic is a new strategic battleground and called on the world's five Arctic powers (US, Canada, Norway, Russia and Denmark/Greenland) to resolve their rival territorial claims according to international law.

Nonetheless, Russia is preparing floating nuclear power plants capable of sustaining up to 200,000 people
(2) in drilling platforms, ice breakers, research missions, and security operations, etc. in pursuit of dominance of the region as well as its claim to the Arctic's disputed undersea Lomonosov Ridge. "Russia, Canada and Denmark all plan to file separate claims to the UN to show that the underwater mountain range – and its vast oil and mineral deposits – are an extension of their sovereign territory,
(1) " details Guardian News.
Additionally, Guardian News informs a deal was sealed between Norway and Russia under which "both sides agreed to demarcate their sea borders in the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean.
(1)" The deal ended a 40-year dispute and, perhaps, further clears the path for Russia to dominate the region. At the very least, Russia's posture displays the inevitability of Arctic development as the planned ecological trajectory for the next century.

The retreating ice of the Arctic Circle is enormously significant in the human time-line. Previously un-navigable Northern passages linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans have recently opened in summer months: promising to forever alter the future of aquatic life, int'l shipping routes, commercial exchange, availability of extraction resources, and the balance of maritime power. The Arctic will inexorably impact every significant decision made in the foreseeable future.
This unparalleled resource represents the last great power source - and potential power struggle - for countless eons of human civilization, the grand culmination of a species' work. The Five Arctic Powers' claims aside, the emerging Arctic drama is a milestone of immeasurable importance (and a story we'll continue to follow at One World In Concert).

China is buying Pakistan. Here's a story that simply hits you in the side of the head... one you might never have seen coming. Could it be that China will almost effortlessly claim the prized Himalayan territory so violently contested by Pakistan and India? As reported in a recent essay on Project Syndicate, China has been investing billions in infrastructure in the Kashmir region with the hopes of at long last expanding its reach directly to the Arabian Sea - thereby allowing for even greater influence over international trade and power in the next century
Seething all-consuming war is brewing in the Middle East and Africa - making the calls for Israeli/Palestinian peace ever more urgent
(4). Fueled by a wide array of tensions, not least among them religious antagonism and desperate resource deprivation, extremist groups in nations such as Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia and many others have become wildly destructive improvised explosive devices impatiently awaiting detonation upon the slightest provocation.
Moderate nations in the immediate vicinity - as well as domineering super-powers seeking resources and security - stand trapped in the middle. Out-gunned, out-numbered, and peering almost helplessly over the brink of near-total destruction.
Troubling as these problems may seem, there is tremendous cause for hope, optimism and renewed vigor. Perhaps, our path to the future may not strike across the land in a bold swath of destruction as has historically been the case. Rather, we may flow into the future like water through the walls of a canyon that the very same water had taken centuries to form: following the path of least resistance, steered by the purposeful avoidance of known dead ends and untenable consequences.
The world is a complex living tapestry composed of trillions of sophisticated parts operating on advanced fractal algorithms. Significant shocks of the system trigger ripple effects of seemingly infinite resonance. Economies falter, development slumps, and ecosystems ail as the world holds its breath; struck dumb by the awe-inspiring perplexity of current events and pending tribulations. Nevertheless, the world is re-aligning itself in preparation for yet another New World Order of unprecedented growth and prosperity.

Nations seeking Peace and Security are forming new strategic allegiances, the likes and global proportions of which we've never seen. America has recently strengthened its ties to India and Saudi Arabia through energy and arms deals. Prominent Arab nations including U.A.E., Jordan, Morocco and others are seeking new roads to peace, passionately encouraging the resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian dilemma, and drafting a vision of the world in which the three Abrahamic religions peacefully and harmoniously co-exist.
Moderate nations are circling their wagons to ensure stability, security, modernization, prosperity and growth - and marginalize threats - in the midst of massive crises owing to lack of water, deluge, religious and political tensions, economic disaster and much more.
The time is now to passionately resist the deafening and nearly relentless calls to Dumb Down. Enlighten Up, instead; hitch your wagon to the success of terrestrial species and sustainable ecologies. Act now to help shape the vision of a peaceful, prosperous and secure planet - free to roam the galaxy with happy, healthy and loving human passengers well into the distant future.

David Davidson